Most people do know when their birthdays are, but some might not know what day of the week they were born. Luckily for us, there are ways to calculate the day of the week from a specific date


As a user on this page, you shall be able to

  1. See a small description of what the application does on the landing page
  2. Enter your birthday through a prompt
  3. Choose what gender you are
  4. Click the submit button to see what your Akan name would be


Akan names description

Akan names are derived from Ghanian culture. Frequently in Ghana, children are given their first name as a 'day name' which corresponds to the day in the week they were born.

Click below to check your akan name

For more information on Akan names see below links

wikipedia Akan Names
Behind names Akan Names
Wikiwand Akan Names

Copyright (c) Amani Kai (Akan name Kofi) 2022